The Ukraine Imperative
The record of human history is defined by the phrase “might makes right. “The growth and expansion of nation states was accomplished through violence. Alexander the Great created an empire that extended from Greece to western Asia and Egypt through invasion and warfare. The Roman Empire was built on the blood of conquered peoples. Genghis Khan’s Mongol Empire was built from the bones of millions of dead. The British Empire extended to every corner of the globe, and with each expansion it tried to erase and destroy cultures as it sought to assimilate. Modern history exhibits the same trends. World Wars I and II were fought over German expansionism. The land upon which the United States rests is all stolen, conquered or purchased from sellers that had themselves stolen the land. The point is that human history was characterized by violent conquest. From the beginning of recorded history wars have been fought to steal or control land and resources.
As humans that is our heritage. But as humans we have evolved. In the 20th and 21st centuries the idea of what a nation state is and should be, has evolved. Democracy has flourished in the post-war era. The philosophy of governance and international affairs has changed. In prior millennia if resources and land could be taken, then the sheer ability to conquer was itself the justification. In the modern era, most governments have come to a new understanding – in the absence of direct threat, a nation-state is entitled to sovereignty and territorial integrity.
In the post-war era the western world has seen an unprecedented level of stability. Without a doubt, the 21st century feels violent, bloody and barbarous at times. Yet, it is a time when a U.S. invasion of Canada or Mexico is unthinkable. The U.K. firing missiles into Dublin is inconceivable. Even in those regions of the world where the superpowers and empires have exercised their imperial fantasies with impunity in the past are now universally considered off limits.[1] Wars fought for territorial advancement alone are simply not permitted. The relatively newfound stability is anchored in the west by universal commitment to democratic governance.
Acceptance of sovereignty and territorial integrity has led to economic prosperity. With economic prosperity comes a commitment to education. Better education results in a respect for human life, and a commitment to the protection of universal Human Rights.
Which brings me to Ukraine and Russia. Russia has violated the most basic of modern international norms. It invaded Ukraine to increase its own territory by stealing land and resources. Let us be clear, Ukraine did not present any sort of real threat to Russia. The lives of Russian citizens were not at risk from Ukraine. Russia wants to look like an empire and Putin wants to feel like an emperor. Russia has shown that it wants to drag the world back to an era of “might makes right”. Putin wants to live in a world with the strength to do a thing is also the justification.
This is why it is imperative that Ukraine prevail in this war and the USA remain steadfast in its commitment to support Ukraine. We, as Americans, have direct security and economic interests in the outcome of this war. From a security perspective, if Russia is allowed to unilaterally and without provocation invade a democratic country that posed no security threat, it sets a new precedent throughout the world. If Russia is allowed to act with impunity, so will others. China is anxiously watching and waiting to see how this plays out. China has its eyes trained on Taiwan waiting for a new precedent and new international norms to justify a military takeover. If the West’s support for Ukraine falters, and Russia prevails, China will interpret that as a green light to fire its guns on Taiwan. The dominoes will fall. Moreover, is there any real reason to believe Russia would stop at Ukraine? When the west’s commitment fails in Ukraine it will not be revived to defend any other Eastern European countries. If support for Ukraine waivers, and the country falls, do we really believe that our treaty obligations to NATO nations will be honored?
However, if the USA aids Ukraine in holding the line, Russia’s expansionism can be contained. If Russia fails in Ukraine, it will lack the resources and will to try again. China will continue to look toward Taiwan, but it’s ships will remain docked and its planes in their hangers. The USA is more secure when its allies and enemies adhere to international norms of peace.
Undoubtedly, supporting Ukraine costs the American taxpayers exorbitant amounts of money. I’ll concede, it is difficult to see and understand how the USA benefits directly from pouring its treasure into Ukraine. There are no short terms gains. There is no short-term economic advantage to be gained. Supporting Ukraine requires a long view. Most of foreign relations involve the ability to look ten steps down the road. The modern American political landscape is ill-equipped to take the long view. Politicians are focused on short term goals – secure a minor win to tout to your constituents so you can win the next election or force a minor loss on your opponents, so they lose the next election. Foreign policy does not work that way. The individual short-term interests of politicians must give way to the long-term interests of the republic.
If we believe in democracy, we must support Ukraine. If we wish to live in a world where nations respect the territorial integrity of other states, we must support Ukraine.
[1] Of course, there are exceptions. Many exceptions. The most obvious of which is the US invasion of Iraq. U.S. drone strikes throughout the middle east. India and Pakistan are in a perpetual border war. Middle Eastern nations engage in forever-wars. But I am writing a blog post not treatise on international relations. So please forgive the rhetorical shortcuts.